We recognize that in today's market to work successfully in the recruitment business for as long as we have, you need to be able to respond quickly, effectively and professionally whether you are an organization with a recruitment need or a candidate actively looking for a job. The challenge for you is to work with an organization that has the right balance of knowledge and experience that can provide a reliable and effective solution every time. We believe that IECS understand the requirements of professional people searching for new work opportunities or companies seeking professional staff. We aim to work closely with you as your "Strategic Recruitment Partner".
Our services cover:
Executive Search
Used to source key personnel when for confidentiality or for other commercial reasons, it is considered in appropriate to advertise the position vacancy. The process includes market research, identifying appropriate potential candidates and in depth interviewing/screening and reference checking prior to referral to client.
Advertised Search & Selection
The method used to attract a wide range of candidates for all positions at all levels, involves market research, advertising in appropriate media and screening applicants.
Database Search

Used to locate individuals with specific skills who are already registered with IECS and looking for contract or permanent work. Our in-house developed computerized Search program sorts through thousands of categorized candidates literally in seconds for rapid customer response.

Permanent & Contract recruitment

IECS supply candidates for both permanent & contract positions.
Recruitment of Contract Personnel

Contract Hire Means Flexible Staffing
IECS's experience and reputation for quality ensures a high level of professionalism for client and contractor alike. This coupled with IECS's extensive resources, management capability, and screening techniques, enables us to provide your business with the best people - when you need them, for as long as you need them. Our contracts are designed to meet your needs, enabling you to fulfill your customer obligations.

Right Person, Right Time, Right Cost

IECS takes care to ensure that our people are able to meet your needs. They are contracted to you for as long as you need them at competitive rates, designed to meet your budget.
Quality, Professional Service

We take pride in providing top quality service to our clients. Using tried and proven procedures geared towards ISO 9001 certification, our objective is to provide our clients with the best candidates to meet their needs.

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